Monday, August 26, 2019

Why Blockchain is a must for the real-estate industry?

Real estate is one of the high-yielding industries when spoken about investments. Having said that, it has huge chaotic and unorganized procedures. It is not easy to bring everything on the right track overnight. However, everything can be brought to normalcy and under proper order if Blockchain is implemented. 

When speaking about Blockchain and the smart contracts, I need to be sure that you understand its basics. So, here you go. 

What is Blockchain?
Now let's think of using google spreadsheet. The sheets are made up of rows and columns. Every row and every column can be broken down to cells. Now the information we enter is stored in the individual cells. The whole sheet is shared in a group, where every member holds a copy.

Now let's switch to Blockchain. Here all the information is stored in the blocks (cells). These blocks as a whole (sheets) are shared among the nodes (group). So, every node has a copy of the information shared so far. It is tamper-proof and can never be manipulated.

What are the attributes of Blockchain?

Anything recorded on the Blockchain is immutable and can not be edited at any cost. Not even by the admin who recorded, neither by the nodes that verify the transactions. 

For a transaction to be considered valid, all the nodes have to agree with it. If not, the transaction becomes invalid. This way, the block gains more trust, and invalid transfers are avoided. 

Blockchain allows peer-to-peer communication, transaction, and a lot more. Third-party involvement is entirely null, and the whole process becomes a lot simple and easy.

What are the blockchain solutions for real estate?
Real estate industry is in many ways unorganized, chaotic, and opaque. Blockchain is the mandatory solution one would need to keep everything on track. The numerous irreplaceable attributes of Blockchain make it the best solution for this particular industry. 
Here is the list of challenges that the real estate industry faces and the respective blockchain solutions.

  • Transparency
The involvement of intermediaries makes the process less transparent and more complicated. The main reason is the intermediaries planning to mint extra cash when negotiating between the parties. When needs and the negotiations are carried out on the blockchain platform, the process is simple, immutable, and transparent.

  • Cross-border transactions
Charges levied for transactions across the borders is huge. Also, it is time-consuming. It requires both the parties to add the account and then conduct the transfer. In Blockchain, the two parties only have to match the keys, and then the transactions take place.

  • Finality
Of the entire transactions that take place, to know who owns what, there is only one place to go -- the ledger. Any details can be taken from the ledger. Also, anything once registered is there to stay. This attribute of the Blockchain comes handy for the real estate industry when recording land titles.

I hope you understood why Blockchain is a must when it comes to organizing the real estate industry. For more details on this topic, keep watching this space.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why blockchain in voting system? Must-knows!

Let me give you a legit example. West Virginia implemented blockchain in its voting system. If you are an avid tech reader, you would definitely be aware of this. If not, then you did miss a significant matter. Don’t panic; you will discover about it here. 

Blockchain has plenty of benefits to offer various industries. Just like the famous saying, ‘the whole value of a dime lies in knowing what to do with it’, it is in our hands to make the best of the blockchain tech. 

West Virginia did get many benefits from the newly implemented system. The people were able to vote from the comfort of their homes. They did not stand in a queue, did not carry important proofs, and had a lot more benefits.

Here is a list of the benefits that blockchain offers us. This is to help you understand why it is the best solution for numerous challenges in voting.

Let’s keep this an altogether new matter and not confuse with the West Virginia voting scenario. 

Blockchain is best known for its transparency. Anything once recorded on the block is meant to stay. Anyone can have a look at it. Yet it offers privacy. Let me explain this with an example. 

Assume people are given unique IDs when their codes match with the ones in the ballot their vote is cast. As we know this is a distributed ledger system, anyone can check their votes (if the need arises), but cannot edit or delete it. 

With unique code for every individual, forging a person’s vote is quite impossible. Also, the whole process will be accurate beyond imagination. A lot of unnecessary formalities can be avoided, and no manipulation in the counts.

Time and effort-saving
When blockchain is implemented in the voting system, people can vote from the comfort of their home. Deploying hundreds of guards for the ballot is completely avoided. Also, spending hours counting the votes and cross-checking is not necessary.